FreeRDP Plugin Framework

Table of Contents

1 FreeRDP Introduction

The FreeRDP is a free implementation of the Remote Desktop Protocol(RDP), it can be easily installed in multiple desktop environment, you can install the FreeRDP in ubuntu as flollowing command:

sudo apt-get install freerdp

and the FreeRDP support plugin framework to extend its functions, the plugin can be specified by –plugin option in old version:

xfreerdp --plugin drdynvc --data <subplugin>

in new version of FreeRDP, there are currently two command line interfaces, you can now use both –plugin drdynvc and /dvc to load the Dynamic Virtual Channel plugin.

2 Plugin Framework

The following figure shows the function call flow of plugin loading procedure.


Figure 1: The Loading Procedure of FreeRDP Plugin

Date: <2017-11-19 Sun>

Author: Yannik Li

Created: 2017-11-19 日 21:26

Emacs 24.5.1 (Org mode 8.2.10)
